I was in an Albuquerque, NM, Petco today picking up needed supplies
that couldn't wait to be ordered online and an employee asked if I
wanted to adopt a ferret. I would if I could, but there's no way I can
swing it financially. I've been down that road and it can be expensive
as well as heart-wrenching. I don't have details. I don't know the age,
sex, type of heart disease or what medication is being given. I do
know the ferret is only getting one and it is probably Lasix. But I'm
thinking more than one will be needed in the future, if not now, and
some of them can be expensive, especially if compounding is necessary.
Regular vet visits and lab work will most likely be needed to provide
the best care.

I was at the west side location but the ferret is at the San
Mateo/Academy store and there is a $50.00 adoption fee.


[Posted in FML 6791]