I don't know what started this with my guys, but they have decided that
instead of in their litter box, they will use the levels of the cage
for a potty. I clean their litter box regularly and scrub the cage
from top to bottom no less than twice a week now, which is very time
consuming - when they weren't pooping on the levels, I would only
"hose down" the cage maybe once or twice a month. Are there any
recommendations on how I can get them to stop doing this (besides
putting springs in the corners) Any advice would be much appreciated!

Kristen and the Sunny Bunch
Snickers, Frito, Skittles, Rusty, Rascal, Precious and
Sparky at the Bridge
R.I.P. Sparky Man - Mommy loves you!

[Posted in FML 6788]