Dear Sue and Brandon,

I was lounging in my outdoor hammie when Hobbes came to give me my
newest scroll. The only thing was, it was more then just a scroll,
it was a projection as well, and on it was this video of the cutest,
little, cartoon fuzzits. It was made to honor not only a beloved
fuzzit, but his father as well. Hobbes and I watched the video together
and it made me laugh so hard I nearly blew Ferretone out of my nose. My
mum would call that a Kender point. Hobbes ended up laying on the grass
giggling his fool head off, and for such a grouchy guy, this *was* a
site to be seen. After we got through laughing we read the scroll
itself. Tube was really a tube, wasn't he? Eating, sleeping, playing
in them - his name suit him quite well. I thought, how wonderful that
would be to always be lost, and found in a series of tubes. I knew then
I had to go and find Kaleb, and have him help me find the others so we
could go and great this amazing fuzzit.

BUT even before finding Kaleb I went to the Fuzzit Requisitions Depot,
and placed a request for a brand new room, and I bet you can guess just
what kind of room I asked for. Really, it was my mum's idea. The night
she read about Tube, she said a prayer to me and asked that I made sure
that not only would all of Tube's loved ones would be there for him,
but that I would make sure there would be a special place for him, so
he could continue to enjoy his tubes and be comfy as well, and of
course, he could invite everyone on over to come and enjoy the newest
sensation to hit the Rainbow Bridge in years.

There are some truly, amazing ferrets out there, I know that we are all
amazing in our own ways, but there are those few who capture your heart
and never let it go, even after they have left for the Rainbow Bridge,
some part of them remains behind just for you. It is more then just the
the bedding we slept in, or the toys we played with. It is more then
what we were best known for, or the memories we created. It is our
love, a spark of our soul that stays near you always. It can be seen
from the corner of your eye, or felt at the back of your ankle, it is a
sweet smell in the air, a dook that can be heard with no ferret to be
seen. It is simply us, reminding you of our presence and of the love
you gave us through out our lives.

Love that will be with you all the days of your earthly life, and when
it is your time to come on up and meet the Big Guy, is it that love and
those lingering souls, who will help guide you on your journey home.

On my way to get Kaleb, I bumped into what we fondly call "The Twin
Rainbows", Bam Bam and Edward, and they were dragging a single tube.
They stopped when they saw me and ran over and gave me a huge, squishy
hug, and as I was being hugged, I looked over and saw more fuzzits,
and more tubes being carried along. There was Peebles, Hershel, Frye,
Timmy, Faroke, Aires, Cowboy, Maxwell, Bonkers, Obie, Robin and
trailing along behind the tube Robin was carrying was the very fuzzit
I went looking for Kaleb!

I asked what was with all the tubes, and of course they told me it was
all for Tube, a way of making him feel at home. So what could I say,
but, "Can I help?"

And help I did, and I was not the only one. Hundreds of fuzzits showed
up and we created a tube that ran all the way from the Bridge itself,
to the tube room I had request just that morning. It was magnificent,
colorful and massive and there was a huge banner which simply read
"Welcome Tube". Gosh it was fun, and even though it was a lot of work,
it was so well worth it, and even the Big Guy did his part, not only
was the room finished, but we had music to work by, the very same music
from the tube video. Oh we laughed and we giggled and we war danced and
we had so much fun that by the time we placed the last piece at the
Rainbow Bridge, Tube was standing there with THEE biggest grin on his
face. Now you have to imagine this. We had made this tube trail just
for him, and the Big Guy made the tube room, and the even the Bridge
itself pitched in, because it was no longer a bridge, but you guessed
it, a tube!

Tube jumped out and right on over the where we had placed the last part
of the tube trail and proceeded to tackle the whole group of us. And of
course a good-sized tackle can lead to a frenzy of war dancing and off
we went. Bumping into the trees, the shrubbery, the tube trail and of
course, each other. There were dooks galore and even a few poofs, but
all in all it was an amazing greeting, because not a single word was
passed between us, just love and a complete understanding that we were
safe and among friends and family, and as the sun had begun to set,
we watched as it made the tube trail glow in a brillent, calliope of
colors - very much like a rainbow, and one by one the fuzzits entered
the tube trail until, at last, there were only myself and Tube left.
He quietly watched as the others moved on through the tube, laughing
with excitement, and then he turned to me and said.

"Thanks Pie." he said

"You don't need to thank me, you need to thank your family and the Big
Guy, they were the ones that made this possible.", I replied.

"Ok, I will, but could you do me something? Could you tell my Dad and
my Grandma I love them very much. That I had a fantasic life, and I had
good tubes and I know how much I was loved and still am loved, because
I can feel that."

He then looked me right in my eyes and asked, "Do you suppose they feel
my love too?"

And I answered with a simple yes.

The two of us then entered the tube trail and off we ran to join the
rest of his family at the end of the trail.

I apologize for the lengthy time it took to get this greeting done. I
have been spending most of my time at the Viewing Pool, looking over my
mum and Mugs. He's doing better, but like Tube, he is old, and his time
draws near too. So I am not only looking over the both of them, I am
preparing myself for when Mugzy comes my way, because I plan on being
there for him, just as I was for Tube and all others who are in need of
love and a friendly face at the end of the Bridge.

In Love & In Comfort,
Pie O' Pah

[Posted in FML 6788]