If it is found in seedless and seeded then it is not the seeds.

>Cause and pathology
>The reason some dogs develop renal failure following ingestion of
>grapes and raisins is not known. Types of grapes involved include both
>seedless and seeded, store bought and homegrown, and grape pressings
>from wineries.[3] A mycotoxin is suspected to be involved, but one has
>not been found in grapes or raisins ingested by affected dogs.[4]

>Potential medicinal benefits
>A University of Maryland Medical Center review summarises the health
>benefits of grape seed extract, and its potential use in the treatment
>of chronic venous insufficiency, edema, high cholesterol, hypertension
>and cancer.[1] Grape seeds contain several antioxidants, including
>oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes, which show some health
>benefits.[2] In particular, sufficiently high amounts of resveratrol
>occur that it can be extracted commercially.[3]

Also this:

If you read down to the side effects it says it only should be a
concern if you are taking blood thinners.....To my knowledge the
ferrets are not taking them. AND the Blood stopped after med's were
given to help.

Sounds like the pro's far out weight the con's.


[Posted in FML 6787]