Good Morning All,

This is a response to Sue's concerns about my ferrets in a home in
Arkansas. Thank you for all who emailed and called me worried about
the posting and the ferrets at issue.

I want to assure everyone that I have been in contact with Sue and
others involved and am investigating the situation and will evaluate
the allegations leveled at the owners of ferrets from my shelter and do
what is necessary to protect the ferrets. I wish to further assure all
that the ferrets are not in eminent danger so -- please do not worry.

But, I thank you so very much for your concerns. I love the ferret
community and how everyone jumps into action and pulls together for the
welfare of ferrets! Of all of the animals rescues groups that I have
been involved in over the years, the ferret community is always willing
to do whatever is necessary and "above and beyond the call of duty" to
protect ferrets where ever there is a need!

Thank you again...

Maren Qualls (formerly Doshier)
Raisins From Heaven Ferret Rescue & Sanctuary
Hernando, MS

[Posted in FML 6787]