Thalia's kits are now 6 weeks old!

They are being fed live rats so they learn to hunt as they are likely
scheduled for release in the wild this fall. For a while, a second nest
box had been placed in their enclosure, and they were spending much of
their time there. I believe the second box has been removed. In any
case for the first time in a while, they are all cuddled together!

But these babies need names!

As Thalia is the Greek muse for comedy, I thought perhaps names of
comedians would be appropriate. Perhaps Groucho, Harpo and Chica for
the two boys and one girl. ;-)

Please submit your suggestions to me or to the list, and then we can
vote on them with donations to the Smithsonian's black footed ferret
program! In 2008 we raised $1,000 and last year we raised $385. Let's
see how much we can help out this time!

The deadline for name suggestions is Saturday August 14. After that
I'll post a list of names to vote on and how you can donate.

Thank you on behalf of black footed ferrets everywhere!


[Posted in FML 6778]