Yes, the Deslorelin implants helped greatly with other symptoms. Both
Morphy and Pop had enlarged prostates and were urinating every 5
minutes or so when out for play time. Within a week or so after the
implants, each was back to normal, and haven't had the problem since.
Morphy was also an aggressive ear licker/sniffer, and that behavior has
subsided about 95%. About once a week or so he still gets a little too
rough and aggressive with Luna or Baby Girl, but when I stop him he
doesn't try to continue to pursue the behavior. He has definitely
mellowed all around, and fortunately neither boy needed any other meds
for their prostates besides the Deslorelin.

In Memory of Neo, Trinity, Possum, Pip, Misty, Frodo, Baggins, and
Mr. Parker
Caring for Luna, Morphy, Baby Girl, Dozer, Pop, Sabrina, and Minnie

[Posted in FML 6786]