Possum Senior Reporter - Suzie Q cub reporter
Ziggy Reporter of a higher order
Andy watching from Rainbow Bridge
August 2010

Possum Here: Hey Suzie where is the summer going? July is all gone -
August is here and now we are doing the news letter again! There sure
were a lot of things going on here in shelter mum's life!

Suzie Q Here: There are always lots of things going on in shelter mum's
life - because there are lots of us to take care of! You especially -
are high maintenance!

Possum Here: Am not! Why are you always picking on me? I am going to
tell shelter mum if you do not stop!

Suzie Q Here: Oh boy here we go - so anyway - July was a very busy
month for the shelter as Possum stated - we had many shelter friends in
and out helping to do the various things that need doing around here -
then add the yard sale we had - as you can imagine we had a very full
month with lots going on.

Possum Here: Don't forget to tell about mum leaving us for 3 days! She
got on a big silver thing that goes up in the sky and went to Georgia
so see her 2 legged furless kid get married.

Suzie Q Here: We already covered that last month Possum - why do you
insist on boring these humans with things we have already told them?
Possum Here: I wanted them to know mum left me and I had to be all
alone. Suzie Q Here: Oh brother! You did not get left alone - Miss
Donna D was here the whole time shelter mum was gone - she took care
of us as good as shelter mum does so stop your whining about something
that is done and over! Miss Mindy came to spend the day helping and
Sam came too - he worked really hard for us! Sam is Miss Genevieve's
brother. He brought lots of papers up from the basement for us - and
then mowed the play yard for us too. It has been far too hot for us
to go out there to play this summer.

Possum Here: Okay my turn - the yard sale was a huge success - we had
plenty of help - thank you everyone - Miss Mary B came to clean up and
set up what was in the barn to sell - she spent the whole day working
in the heat - she got the place looking spiffy - then on Friday opening
day it rained and rained all day - mum and Miss Jackie opened up the
yard sale at 8 am - folks started rolling in shortly after - shelter
mum and Miss Jackie put plastic up on the sides of all the canopies
they had the stuff covered with - but there was so much rain that
things were getting wet - Miss Jackie did a wonderful job making sure
that anything that would be ruined in the wet got put someplace it
would not get wet. Shelter mum changed into dry cloths 3 times that

Shelter mum had us kids settled in the shelter until it was time to
move first shift back to bed and get second shift up - that happens
between 10 and 11 am - Miss Jackie watched the sale while mum came in
to do the shift change and get something to eat. Shelter Mum had some
of that yummy fast gluten free food that came in the mail - shelter
Mums brother Tim and Al came to look at our garage roof that is falling
in - Mr. Tim - mums brother - says the roof is in really bad shape -
It may need to be torn down so mum is in a quandary over that - but
she said she was not going to think about it until after the yard sale
is done and over!

Miss Sue K pulled in about 11 AM so that freed mum up to come up here
to finally take care of us - Possum stop it - okay so it is still
raining off and on all day so Miss Sue and Miss Jackie take care of
things up at the barn while mum is in here taking care of us - then mum
got back up to the barn to help for a little bit before she had to go
to work - Miss Brie pulled in about 1:45 PM to relieve mum for work and
Miss Jackie to go food shopping for her week with her 2 legged furless

Suzie Q Here: When mum got home from work Miss Brie, Miss Sue and Mum
closed up the yard sale about 4:30 so they could go in to help mum get
the shelter caught up. Mum had second shift to put away, third shift to
get up - that happens between 5 and 6 PM then meds get done and cages
get cleaned. With the help of Miss Sue and Miss Brie mum had us done
on time and no one got sick because meds were late. Thanks Miss Sue K
for coming in special to love on me! Miss Brie thanks for giving us our

Possum Here: Mum came in from the barn/ yard sale all soggy like a
potato chip sitting in a water dish - I know what soggy is because that
is how I like my chips when I can snatch one from mums bag -

Suzie Q Here: Saturday morning it started all over again mum opened the
sale at 8 am and Miss Jackie said she and her fur kids were going to be
here by 9 am.

Saturday was hot! Hot! Hot but no rain! Mums God Box worked - she
tucked the day into her God Box for no rain so she could take things
out of the barn - the things came out of the barn and were out all day!
Well not all true we got big rain right after Miss Iliana B and Miss
Vicky F closed up shop - mum was in the house with 2 people that told
mum they have a ferret shelter up near Rome NY - they said some pretty
silly things about what they were doing - meaning it was harmful to us
fur kids - so mum told the girls she was going to bring these people
in to help teach them some stuff they can do that is not harmful - the
girls agreed mum needed to do that - they heard the things they were
saying too!

Possum Here: Mum spent a good amount of time showing them around the
shelter and giving them tips on what she does with the things she was
uncomfortable with what they were doing. Mum even got me out so they
could love on me! Mum gave them some papers that she and shelter
friends put together with good safe ideas for us. She sent some toys
home with them for their fur kids too - mum calls that building bridges.

Sunday was the last day of the weekend yard sale - mum was pooped she
said she would hate to think how much more pooped she would have been
if all the humans that were here to help had not been here! Mum says 3
cheers to all our helpers and a BIG thank you! Mum kept muttering about
how blessed we are to have so many shelter friends willing to take time
out of their lives to spend time here helping shelter mum with the
things she needs help with. Anyway the day was a huge success Miss
Stacie K. and Miss Jill W. Miss Loana S stopped in for a bit - Miss
Stacie K. helped mum get one of the huge cages that was down in the
garage for over a year - brought up to the barn yard - it sold 45 min
after it got put there!~ yeah thanks Miss Stacie K. for helping mum get
that up there! Shelter mum added some pictures of the weekend except
she forgot to take the camera out on Sunday - Sorry Sunday workers
mum did not capture you working - here is the link to go see
Last month 1,016 of you looked at our pictures

Possum Here: The whole weekend was a success - Items that were donated
for the yard sale came from Kathy C - Donna Z - Mindy H - Gail and
Dick H - Angie H - Jackie R - Loana S - Stacie K - Thank you for your
generosity! The humans that came to help mum with the sale were - Miss
Mary B - Miss Brie Mc - Miss Sue K - Miss Iliana B - Miss Jackie R -
Miss Stacie K - Miss Donna D - Miss Vicky F - Mr. Joe and Miss Ginger
S - Miss Donna Z - Donna D was here getting our yard looking pretty
for us.

Suzie Q Here: The few things that are left - it was decided by the
shelter friends that were here - that we should cover them and protect
them in the barn until September and then Grape Festival weekend we
should open the barn up and sell the rest.

It took some convincing for mum - but Miss Donna Z, Miss Brie, Miss
Ginger and Mr. Joe said they would come that weekend to do it without
mum so she could focus on the fur kids - with that mum agreed we could
do just that - that weekend brings to Naples 250 thousand people
looking for bargains so it is a sound decision even if mum was too
tired to think so at the time. Now for the best news of all - 2 kids
that were coming in from Greece NY got here about 4:30 Sunday afternoon
7/25 - but when Brie left she took Chase and Fran with her - so shelter
mum added 2 fur kids and subtracted 2 fur kids all on the same day.

Possum here: On August 2nd it was old lady Kay's birthday so shelter
mum took off for Newark to celebrate with a birthday party - shelter
mum took balloons, gift bags filled with chocolates, and a ice cream
cake for all the residents to help celebrate Kay's 93rd birthday. It
was a grand time and Miss Kay was thrilled to have so many join her
to celebrate her special day. It took mum away from us but we decided
that Miss Kay deserves to have a birthday party on her birthday!

Suzie Q Here: Okay Possum we need to get this news closed up and sent

So until next month -

Possum and Suzie Q
Our new store site
Lakeroad Ferret Farm Rescue/shelter
Petfinder Page
Newest Shelter Video 
Shelter Video
Fur kids with new homes 

[Posted in FML 6786]