We take you back to Wild West... A time when two ferrets would go their
respective corners and have a "Mexican standoff" before the big "poop
out". In the midst of all this, we have Belle running the Saloon and
the Sheriff trying to maintain "law and order" in his little town. We
invite you to watch this drama played out by our ferrets...


This event is not for the lighthearted... There will be games of skill
to test any ferret's strength and bravery. And in keeping with a
long-time MaFF tradition, the winner of the Tube Race will be honored
as the 2011 MaFF Mascot and special guest at next year's event.

We would love to have you join us on September 25th at the Knights of
Columbus Hall in Easton, MA for day of adventure in the Wild West.
Details can be found at www.maferrets.org. Hope to see you there.

Phyllis Spy
President, MaFF

[Posted in FML 6784]