If I was in that situation I would videotape, document, and go to
the animal control, which states that animals should not be in those
conditions. Because it is an immediate concern (not like oh, they're
kept in cages too small) it is cruelty and they do have jurisdiction.
If they don't, insist on an appointment with the head of animal
control. I have had to do this in the past.

I would also buy the girl. Yes, I know, WRONG, but it's about her life
at this point.

Also email the person who replied back to you on why he didn't bring up
any of the urine soaked, covered in filth points. Tell him you never
said the cage was too small - the fact they're covered in crap and pee
is the problem.

Is this Petland a part of the Better Business Bureau? Or any other
organization? You can also call the news, the paper, send pictures, and
if you bought the girl and she comes with a health certificate (or have
a different person buy her for you), you have them pinned for selling
an obviously sick animal since she is NOT healthy. That is another


[Posted in FML 6748]