haven't posted for a bit.... the 'new' bite to the bone rescues aren't
so new.... and while still not trustworthy, don't cringe run away n
hide anymore.Are gentle with taking bandits, and love to play kill the
blanket! come charging out of their room dooking n chuckling, and are
totally underfoot until they wear themselves out n put selves back to

Craig's lump on head (tiny", Doc T removed it, was just a follicular
cyst, not mast CA yea!!

Sigh, was really hoping Nitters had something easy to dx, like worms..
nope poop good.. now need blood work-up both Dr. T n i are thinking

any of you our there have any fairly young (2-3 year) old ferrets that
eat like pigs, and are skinny as hell? want to get an idea as to having
every test (bloodwork) done know to Great Spirit n man done on her.
Hope that all is well with all, but i know this list, and all of us
with the dumps n rescues, sigh, sometimes ok is as good as it gets.

weezel dooks, michelle, willie n the gang o 8, missing far far too

[Posted in FML 6747]