I let the 'bugs' out loose to deposit those 'tootsie' rolls about the
house often enough they know every square millimeter of the straza.
Today I picked up a new front door in a casing to be installed next
week. I got it today so I could paint it prior to installation.

I had to mow the lawn so went to put Pester-Doodle in the cage before I
went outside. But I could not find her! Usually if I walk around she
will come out regardless of what she is doing to greet me. She is very
sociable that way. But nothing. I searched every room and did not find
her nor any sign of her. After a half hour I gave up feeling she was
asleep so I started about my business.

On the way out I looked at that new door laying on the floor, frame and
all. Then I though, that hole for the door knob, I bet she went inside
and is trapped under the door. So I went to see and sure enough there
was this fuzzy little face inside that hole looking out back at me. Ha!

She could have got out if she wanted but as you all know, if there is
one tiny thing different in a room a ferret will notice it immediately
and will HAVE to investigate. Sure enough she did and was under the
door in the space the frame allowed. She was perfectly safe and all,
just in a very SAFE place! Ha! Would have taken a scud missile to get
her! Ya have to love a ferret.

Remember, we live in a deadly dangerous beautiful world!

This garden of Eden is full of land mines! (many created and maintained
by mankind)

[Posted in FML 6772]