I have NO idea if proctor and gamble (who bought out Natura) is behind
this coupon campaign or not, but this is a great deal for those of you
who feed Natura foods....

California Natural

Go here: https://naturaadvantage.com/ and fill out the form and they
will mail you a coupon good for one free bag of any of those foods.
After you fill out your address, it will give you the stores nearest
you. I have talked to some people who are not getting a free bag, but
are getting $7.00 off a bag. Either way, it¹s a good deal. This is a
limited time offer, so take advantage.

If you don¹t use these foods, get a bag of Evo or Innova kitten and
donate to your local ferret shelter. Every little bit helps!

[Posted in FML 6769]