My Sydney quietly slipped away to the Rainbow Bridge. He had been going
downhill for a while but still ate his soup with great eagerness until
yesterday. He was one of my insulinoma kids. I've had him for 3 years
and never knew his age when I got him as a rescue with 2 other ferrets,
Sweet Pea and Carmine. I have mentioned him before telling of how I
could smell the cage from across the street and at the end of the
driveway when I got out of the truck. He and his cagemates lived in a
small camping trailer in a park. Two people also lived in the camper, a
man and his girlfriend. The owner of the park, the young man's father,
had told the couple to get rid of the "stinking ferrets". All he had to
do was clean them and they wouldn't have been so stinking!. Sydney was
a large male that was floppy with a large belly. He was a sweet, sweet
cinnamon guy. His two cagemates were Sweet Pea who only lived 2 weeks
before leaving unexpectedly for the Bridge and Carmine who also has
insulinoma. They had joined a larger group of ferrets but Carmine
seems lost tonight even with the company of 5 others including monster
man Tyki and the newest one, little Treasure. Treasure has lost her
"grandpa". The only one that put up with her shenanagins without
pinning her to the floor and telling her to behave. She loved to cuddle
with him at naptime. I placed Sydney's body into a warm winter cap and
left him in the cage for the rest of his family to see him one last
time. Little Treasure pushed on him over and over again with her tiny
paws trying to get him to wake up. She then laid her head on his body.
She misses him. So do I.

Nancy and her 16, missing sweet Syd

[Posted in FML 6745]