If you are planning on traveling by air with your ferret (or any pet)
here is a great website to have bookmarked.
This site lists all the current rules and regs for all US domestic
airlines. At this time ferrets are not allowed in cabin on any domestic

If you need to ship your ferret the best website is
Several ferret breeders have used this service to ship ferrets coast
to coast and they really know how to care for your ferret and get the
ferret to and from safe and sound.

There is another option for cats and dogs but the airports are limited
and they do not allow ferrets at this time.
I'm keeping tabs to see how they expand their service.

Another air travel tip for ferrets is to make sure the carrier is
secure. It's best to use wire ties to secure the carrier top to the
bottom and even the door so it can't be opened. Be sure the litter box
is secured, have a secured food crock and always use a drip cup for the
water bottle (an 8 ounce bottle is sufficient). Have ample bedding so
if the water leaks your ferret will still have someplace to curl up and
not be wet. Fly your ferret out as early as possible and you shouldn't
have any problems. Pet Air will give you links to track the flight.

Hope this helps!

Vickie McKimmey

Just a Business of Ferrets
American Ferret Association
Director of Shows and Special Events
Author of Ferrets: An Animal Planet Pet Care Library Series Book

[Posted in FML 6761]