I know that a ferret with ECE can shead the virus for over a year.
Sprout had ECE but he passed away from a cyctic liver. How long can
we have ECE in our house? I would assume that after a good cleaning
we would not have to worry about it.



Date:    Thu, 15 Jul 2010 08:06:43 -0400
From:    Cynthia ritenour <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: sick poops.

If your little one is having trouble with eating Bobs cg or chicken
baby food, try to make your own, its easy and she'll do better heres
what I do for my kids:

In a sealable container:
2 1/2  cups whatever kibble they are eating
4 cups water
2tblsp ferretone

This is a standard recipe, but if I have a sickie, I add 1/2 can of
A/D from the vets office. When you soak this mixture over night, and it
gets real soggy, you can take a mixer and beat it to make it smooth. I
get my kids used to eating soup right away so that if they are sick, it
is easier to feed them. I learned that the hard way after I had seven
get sick at the same time and nobody was used to soup. I wore soup etc
for days. hope it helps

Cindy & the gang

[Posted in FML 6760]