Dear Friends,

you're either part of the problem, or part of the solution, and I know
we all are so worried. We have a national crisis with overpopulated
ferret shelters. I've got a simple solution to launch our national
campaign of ferret adoption!

[Sign-in required.]

Click on the pics for a bigger better view.

Buy a shirt, buy some for friends, or your volunteers.

This shirt simply states every shelter's basic mission "ADOPT NOT SHOP
FERRETS". When you wear one, I guarantee that a stranger will approach
you and ask, "There's ferret shelters?" At that moment, you can direct
that person, that could ultimately adopt or be a volunteer, to your
local ferret shelter. Share the joy that only adoption and out-reach
can bring. Wear your shirt everywhere! You might want to get a few; one
in the laundry, one on your back, one to put on your kid or friend!

Myself, and my volunteers are having a blast wearing these shirts in

Wear it, and spend your spare time in PETCO, or your local pet store
that's selling ferrets. LOL, I double-dog dare you to! And if you do,
please report back to us your experiences. This is a serious campaign
of mine, but it can also be a lot!!!! If your shelter has
business cards, load your pockets and be ready to direct these folks to
your shelter! If not, have pad and paper ready, give them something to
go home and call or link to for more information. What a thrill, you,
being personally responsible for an adoption or a great volunteer!!!!

Let's get a national "Ferret Adoption" campaign going. If you cannot
devote time to your shelter, you can still be pro-active and supportive
by being a living billboard for the mission. Ferrets shelters are in
crisis, let's do something about it! ADVERTISE!

These shirts simply state our cause, and has an adorable ferret pic on
the front. $20@+$5 for shipping, multiple order shipping discounted,
as well as discounts to shelters that order 10 or more shirts. A small
profit from each shirt will benefit Rocky's. Write me privately, and
I'll make this offer sweet! The success of a national campaign to
reduce the numbers in shelters, will be my most reward in this effort.

I've got a variety of sizes, small to 4Xlrg, in each color, White-Royal
Blue-Lt Grey-Yellow, in stock. If I do not have what you need or want,
I'll order and ship within 4 weeks. I want everyone that supports
shelters, has ever adopted, wearing a shirt and being pro-active in
your community in bringing great families to adopt, that would
otherwise shop for a ferret. We all know that folks buy ferrets
because they just don't know about us! Let's change that!

Paypal: [log in to unmask]
Checks/MO see address below. Make them out to "Rocky's"

I'm in a position of being acutely aware of knowing that across the
country, ferrets are now going the way of cats and dogs, with necessary
overpopulation euthanasias in kill facilities. This is because ferret
shelters and sanctuaries are full, full, full, full. Many shelters are
closing because of this problem, it's just too much of a financial,
physical and emotional strain. Help save a shelter, reduce their burden
through adoption.

Who's with me in launching this national campaign of "ADOPT NOT SHOP


Barb Clay
Dir of Shelter Affairs
Rocky's Ferret Rescue & Shelter
832C Falls Rd.
Parkton, MD 21120

[Posted in FML 6759]