We got a 6ish year old little girl yesterday. She looked to be in good
health and acted like it. When she was a kit she was abused but was
rescued by some fine ferret people, who helped her through her fear.

She was a cuddlier and as sweet as could be. I cuddled with her for an
hour last night as she fell asleep in my arms. Through the day today
she go up and down to eat, drink, and use the litter box.

Because we have two ferrets who do not like newbies we decided to give
everyone a bath. This has helped when we got new ferrets before. We
gave this new girl (Buffy) her bath and she behaved just like any other
ferret did after a bath. She ran around rubbing on the floor and towels
to dry off. She was almost completely dry when she started to act
funny. She didn't want to walk any where, just wanted to lay there. We
gave her more attention and tried to give her ferretvitte or ferretone,
but she wouldn't take any. We put some on her gums and in her mouth
anyway. There was no change except to be more limp. We rushed her to
the vet but she passed away in my arms on the way.

I can't understand what happened.



[Posted in FML 6759]