The Anonymous poster wrote:

>I have tried probiotics. They didn't work either.

Try Forti-Flora. I've never had it NOT work to some degree in helping
a ferret with any kind of digestive problem

>Would the pepcid AC work for diarrhea? I thought it was for something

It reduces stomach acid associated with ulcers, but also helps with
diarrhea, which may also involve excess stomach acid. The only active
ingredient is famotidine, which is completely safe, unlike the

>In any case, besides this problem, Minky eats well ( a lot, in fact,
>probably because she doesn't absorb food very well);

Forti-flora (and other probiotics) will help in the food absorption.

>My other ferret has problems occasionally, also, but his problem tends
>to be very mucousy poop.

>Could be associated with IBD or could be a food allergy. I've also
>seen ferrets produce mucousy poops when they have gone too long
>without eating. Presnisolone in small amounts helps with IBD by
>reducing the inflammation of the intestines.

>Both ferrets also have seedy poop.

This is usually undigested fat. Again, probiotics help with this by
adding more 'good' bacteria when their body isn't producing enough on
its own.

In Memory of Neo, Trinity, Possum, Misty, Frodo, Baggins, and Mr.
Parker Caring for Luna, Morphy, Baby Girl, Dozer, Pop, Sabrina,
and Minnie Mouse

[Posted in FML 6756]