Dear Ferret mom's and dad's,

I have a 7 month old baby boy that came to me on Aprils Fools day this
year from a family that wanted a cat and bought a ferret. He has been
really sick for 3 1/2 weeks. We are doing everything medically I can
afford and I am need of more help.

The vet was surprised that he lived thru the first week and then the
second and third. He has a very strong spirit and we want to give him
every chance we can.

Would you please send him prayers and healing thoughts and whatever
else you think might help. He is a beautiful boy and he is just a baby.
His new name as of today is Smudgie and I so don't want to lose him!

Thank you for all the love I know you are going to send to him. I
really appreciate it!

Laurie Austin mom to 25 ferrets

[Posted in FML 6756]