Possum Senior Reporter -- Suzie Q cub reporter
Ziggy Reporter of a higher order
Andy watching from Rainbow Bridge
July 2010

Possum Here: Alright so I know it is July 1st me and Suz are getting
this news out quick because our mum is leaving us! That's right you
read this correctly our shelter mum is leaving us to go to Georgia.
She is getting on a big silver thing to fly 6 states away from us to
go to her 2 legged furless kids wedding!

Suzie Q Here: Possum will you get a grip? Mum wants the news out on the
1st because she is leaving on the 2nd but will be back on the 4th. Miss
Donna D is coming to stay with us while mum is away. Shelter mum is
going to be gone 2 full days, look at it this way Miss Donna D gets us
up when ever we want up - even if it is not our turn! Remember when she
watched the shelter one weekend for shelter mum? She had fur kids from
all over the place up hanging out so we just may get extra up time.

Possum Here: What ever! All I know is our shelter mum is leaving us and
I don't like it. Mum has new signs going up all over the place so Miss
Donna knows this that and the other thing. Things like "no library" for
Dancer "no play room" for Bear "do not use inserts for poopy papers" I
love Miss Donna but really why does shelter mum have to go to Georgia?
Can't Miss Donna go instead? Think of all the signs mum would not have
to make if she just stayed home!

Suzie Q Here: That's it I am done listening to your whining -- do you
want some cheese and ferretone to go with that whine? I am going to get
the news started and finished with or without you - like shelter mum
asked us to do- Miss Iliana sent us the candle link she uses when one
of us crosses to the bridge this is what she sent.

Miss Iliana here: Thanks for sharing Possum. Here is the link for
others to light a candle for Irene

Suzie Q Here: Thanks Miss Iliana for that link, even if Possum can't
get a grip. Shelter mum got word that 1, 881 of you looked at our
pictures on webshots. On June18 Miss Genevieve - the young lady that
comes to the shelter every weekend to help shelter mum take care of
us - did her first ferret presentation for her 4th grade class. Shelter
mum added some pictures to webshots that she took as Genevieve did her
presentation. Mum said Genevieve did a fabulous job. Me and Possum
think the kids were jealous when mum told them she was training
Genevieve to take over the shelter when mum retires.

Possum Here: okay! okay I will stop whining -- for now - I have some
things I want to share with all the humans out there, like this message
I got from Meiko about clinic day.

Meiko Here: Dook dook Possum!!! I am so sorry I couldn't break you out
at clinic day!!! We got there late, and than your mum confiscated me!!!
I think she knew what I had in mind...she took me away to ferret jail,
and than I was put in the play yard. Oh and did you hear I got one of
the poke sticks stuck in my neck???? Everybody was laughing and I was
like "a little help please???" Jeez, my dignity was in serious
jeopardy. But anyhow, mommy was keeping an eagle eye on me, and every
time I thought I would be able to slink away and get you, I was grabbed
back up again. I am not happy and I told mommy that, I told her I
really wanted to meet my friend Possum in person. We'll have to plan
something else, cuz I really wanted to play with you... :( Thank you
for the very sweet card you sent....it's hanging on our fridge. Until
we plan something new, your friend always and forever, Meiko

Possum Here: that is okay Meiko I knew shelter mum was watching closely
at everything that was going on so I know it was mums fault that I did
not get out to meet you that day. We will have to see if you can get
your family to come play on a day just for you and me. Now, for some
real important news about the end of July - as all you humans are aware
old lady Kay that shelter mum used to help care for is now in a home -
her place has been sold and has been emptied by shelter mum and a
friend of Kay. Mum offered to have Kay's stuff put in our barn until
Miss Kathy -- Kay's daughter - decides what to do with Kay's stuff.
Miss Kathy decided that we should have a yard sale and all proceeds
should go to us here at the shelter, Miss Jackie brought things for a
sale to benefit the shelter and Miss Mindy said she and her folks have
things to put in the sale for the shelter. So we are going to have the
sale the weekend of July 23rd 24th and 25th. Along with the yard sale
we thought we should make it a picnic too. The humans have to eat and
when you work hard you get hungry so we can have a picnic/yard sale to
benefit "me" What you do you think?

Suzie Q Here: Think? Think? Oh Brother Possum you are just too much
this time around! The yard sale is to benefit all of us, not just you!
The yard sale is to help pay for the food we eat. You are such a
spoiled rotten ferret!

Possum Here: I am not! I am the senior reporter - a very important
ferret- even Miss Kathy and Miss Marilyn were here last week and they
came in to see me. Miss Kathy even held me so I could give her kisses.
Miss Marilyn thought I was a very sweet girl.

Suzie Q Here: No the truth is they came to see Titch their far away
boy. The only reason they got you out is because you were being
obnoxious, jumping up and down trying to get their attention. I came
out too but I was polite and quiet. They spoke to me but NOOOOOOOO
you had to be the one to make a fuss to get out and get attention.

Possum Here: Well Yeah! I had to make sure Miss Kathy knew I was sorry
for being such a brat about the time she was here to spend the week
with us. I needed her to know I felt sad that I treated her so badly.
Miss Kathy and Miss Marilyn have become wonderful supportive shelter
friends so I needed to make sure I let Miss Kathy know I was sorry for
being a brat. So Miss Kathy will you forgive me? I gave you kisses.

Suzie Q Here: on the same day Miss Genevieve had her presentation Wolfy
needed our favorite Doc - mum had done all she knew to do to get him
feeling better - something more was going on that she could not fix.
There was no way she could get him to Doc before they closed at 5,
between bus runs and mandated medical physical. Miss Mary met mum 1/2
way to get him to the hospital, thanks Miss Mary. Miss Iliana, Miss
Jackie and Miss Donna made things happen the week while mum was going
crazy with other things. Wolfy was at the hospital for a full week.
Grandpa Dick went to get him out of the hospital for mum. Thanks
Grandpa Dick. Shelter Mum met Miss Donna Z in Canandaigua last Friday
to take her canopies back that we borrowed for clinic day and to get
Irene. Miss Donna Z picked up Irene and here carrier for Shelter mum
so Irene is home with us now.

Possum Here: Oh yeah Miss Donna Z... you know those cookies you brought
shelter mum clinic day? The Chocolate vanilla cream cookies - Are you
trying to get our shelter mum bigger than she already is -- she ate
them with milk for dinner one night, then with coffee the next morning
for breakfast and then again with her coffee again this morning. She
sure likes them cookies, but being the chunky monkey she is she does
not need them. She does not share either! Shelter mum and Genevieve
went to the Terrace at Newark to do a out reach day. It is an assisted
living home that Kay is at. Genevieve went with mum they took Precious
Heart - here are some of the pictures shelter mum took.

Suzie Q Here: Okay Possum we need to get this news done we are up to
page 4 again this month. We want to remind everyone that the
International Ferret Congress (IFC) has a new shirt design for sale.
They are up on shelter mums site, Miss Sue volunteered to do the
design, because shelter mum is a committee member she volunteered to
host the new shirt designs on our store site here is the link

Possum Here: Let's not forget to tell the humans what ELF is Suzie --
and why shelter mum is helping the IFC to sell shirts to benefit ELF.
Here is what we know about it: One of the goals of the International
Ferret Congress is to enhance the welfare of the domestic ferret.
The Emergency Love Fund was created to fill gaps in relief efforts for
ferret shelters. This fund is now referred to as the ELF. The purpose
of the fund is to provide relief in case of natural or man-made
disasters, such as, but is not limited to: fire, flood, earthquake,
hurricane, tornado, and other situations the directors deem
appropriate. The IFC will work closely with the Ferret Emergency
Response, Rescue and Evacuation Team (FERRET)
<http://www.ferretemergency.org> in providing assistance to those
needing it the most. You can go here to see more how ELF has been used.

Suzie Q Here: Okay Possum we need to get this News closed up and sent
out before shelter mum leaves and we did not get it done! So until next
month -- if there is one -- mum is leaving us I hope she comes back!

Possum and Suzie Q

Our new store site

Lakeroad Ferret Farm Rescue/shelter

Petfinder Page

Newest Shelter Video

Shelter Video

Fur kids with new homes

[Posted in FML 6745]