I dont want her to go to a shelter. I have the money for her now. Shes
coming home with me once shes better. I dont want a war to breakout we
all have the same intentions..which are to help ferrets, eachother and
educate people about our kids. Lets not war, especially over me. If
you think i should focus more on something or do something differently
EMAIL ME!! dont make other people mad and post anon for the whole group
to break out into a rage.

Thistle and Doveys mummy - Patty. you are my support and my crutch. i
love you and couldnt do this without you.

Debi youve been one of the most helpful through this. your info and
defending me to the end. All your research and advice. where would i
be without you?

Finally Lorraine - the lifesaver. you truely are my inspiration and
have allowed me to believe in humanity again. Our little pumpkin will
be home soon enough!!

Also id like to mention how unexperienced in life i am. Im not making
excuses but im 21 years old. I dont know much about life or resources
and when i first got Kuda is when I started getting my life together
and being responsible. I felt empty and alone and suffer from
depression and anxiety among other things. I took another life into my
hands and since then have found a purpose in life. I confided in this
group because majority of people are older than me, more experienced
and could help me through this. As far as being too trusting goes...let
me tell you anon one thing i know very well is being screwed over. I
can see through anyone and tell you in 20 seconds flat if someone is
full of s&^% or not. Ive spent my whole life being lied to, when it
comes to the things that mean something to me...i keep them close and
am very protective.


[Posted in FML 6753]