I worked at a Petsmart. I routinely talked with my manager about the
devious, lazy, and heinous deeds done at the expense and suffering of
animals by the pet care manager. She acted like she cared, but never
did anything.

I could not take it anymore (I had no say, nothing got fixed, animals
languished in the back while they should have been being adopted).
Animals died as soon as my weekend was there, since I was the only one
giving meds. Animals were being ignored and after I left the store
completely (quit), I found out she was fired for "euthanizing" small
animals. This was a no-ferret store.

My whole point is - if you are seeing the same issue and the manager
does not help, contact corporate. Call them every single day and tell
them the exact problem, and that you will not shop there and that your
friends no longer shop there either (throw in the name and address of
the store that you now go to).

They do care. Corporate eventually did something about the situation
but it takes time when it comes from employees unfortunately. They
have to cover their bases and make sure employees aren't just gunning
for each others positions, which is sad. When it comes from customers
they do move faster.


[Posted in FML 6752]