Hi Everyone:

This afternoon I headed to one of our Petco's in the Rochester, NY area
to appease the staring eyes and planted ferret feet requesting their
faaaavorite treat: Chicken chew bones. We were dangerously low in our
supplies. It was sale time so off hubby and I went. After securing all
the packages hanging on the hook, I went off to show hubby the baby
ferrets. At a quick glance there were several more this week than eight
days a go. I have a routine in pet stores, it goes something like this:
Water in water bottles - half full, almost to the top. Good. Check
food - WHAT NO FOOD!! I don't think so! Not a morsel to be seen, not
even in the litter. Off I went in search of a Petco employee. Oh look!
This lady appears to be the AFTERNOON MANAGER, let's go have a nice

I shared my concerns about little babies always being hungry and
needing access to food 24/7 being such high energy critters. I told her
I noticed they had absolutely no food at all. She did not look happy,
she informed me she just came on duty and if I could give her one
minute she would get right on the ferret food problem. After clarifying
that customers must be told NOT TO PUT THE BETA FISH together because
they will kill each other, she went on to feed the kiddos. Low and
Behold, when I next passed the furkids a few of them were awake now
munching on kibble and looking as cute as buttons.

So whenever you are in the pet stores, please check in on the live
critters and look for food, water, bedding Hammies or hide aways so
they can get out of the light, clean cages and seek the manager to
have any problems corrected. Many times the managers are just as upset
to hear your news as you were to discover it.

Thanks for looking out for the little guys.

Feed rescued animals in two clicks

[Posted in FML 6751]