Hi guys,

Poor Willow Ferret died of suspected kidney failure a couple of weeks
ago, Poor Lizzie discovered her in the middle of the night when she
went to give her some night time liquid.

So, to keep the number up at three we got a new addition on Saturday
who we've called Weasley (he's kind of gingery and We already have a
Voldemort -- and well -- weasel J ).

He came from the local RSPCA, is thought to be about a year old, and
he's obviously been well handled before, he even takes treats very
politely, (unlike willow and the boys who arrived on our doorstep very
nippy, and we suspect had been stuck in a cage with no interaction
before they were abandoned on our =C2=91doorstep'), he and the boys are
making good progress in getting to know one another, with not even
any bloodshed yet

We don't know anything about his previous background.

He was moulting a lot as soon as he arrived -- we gave him a once over
with a moult master comb, and now his coat is rather thin but no longer
shedding all over the place.

He's full of normal ferret energy and loves jingly teasers, and long
donut naps under his blankies In his cage.

My major worry is he's very skinny(of course combing out a lot of his
coat has made him look even skinnier), and wondered how long I it
should take him to put the weight back on again, of course for now
I'm just glad he's eating and drinking and he's not so stressed he's
stopped food.

Mummy to Voldemort (the softy), Archimedes the (idiot), and Weasley
who hasn't shown his true colours (in all ways) yet

[Posted in FML 6716]