I have a 5 year old ferret with chf (being treated and they don't think
the problem is with that) that has had issues walking for the last
year...unsteadiness. But then all of a sudden went really bad for a
couple days then is now unable to use his hind legs for walking at
all. Had x-rays, ultrasound, and now a CT scan and they can't find any
lesions or anything on his spine. He is losing fur on his back so they
gave him a lupron shot but his adrenals and values all appear normal.
Tried steroid treatment for spinal lymphoma but didn't help. Doctors
are baffled and no idea what to treat. No idea if the hair loss is
linked but it seems an odd coincidence in it happened 2 weeks prior to
the complete lameness. He has feeling in his legs and responds to toe
pinches but no desire to even paddle them to walk. Has anyone seen this
or can offer any possible reasons? They don't think aleutians but did
not test specifically.

Thank you so much.

scott and achilles

[Posted in FML 6722]