Hi Everyone,
Just a quick update that Eric and I are, at long last, home owners!!!
I know that there have been a lot of addresses in the years since
Katrina. Our current information is:

NOLA Ferret Rescue
Laura Bogren
1683 Paul Morphy St.
New Orleans, LA 70119

We currently have 8 adoptable ferrets. 3 are under 6 months old! 2 are
from a neglect case brought against a local pet store and the 3rd must
have either been let go from the pet store itself or the day it was
brought home. That little man doesn't look more than 3 months old. The
new ferret room is wonderful and the ferrets are loving their new home.

Hurricane Season is upon us....... You'll be sure to hear from us if
we evacuate!

Love & Dooks!

Laura Bogren
NOLA Ferret Rescue

[Posted in FML 6730]