Things had been quiet at the Bridge lately and No. 421 and Oliver were
taking a much-needed rest. The garden had been planted and the raisin
trees were doing well. No. 421 and Oliver were planning their "Farm
Stand" when Bluebird came fluttering up to the fence post.

"Hi Bluebird," Oliver said as he handed No. 421 the plans. "What have
you got there"?

Bluebird chirped a greeting and handed Oliver a ticket. "I has a ticket
for a little girl named Midge," Bluebird said. "She passed rather
suddenly and she doesn't know the family she has here so we has to
treat this one with great care."

"If we have to treat a cute little girl with great care, I'm the man
for the job," Oliver said. "I have the greatest care for cute girls."

No. 421 overheard this last comment and jumped up from his chair.

"Oliver, you go get cleaned up," No. 421 said. ‘Then I want you to go
to the Silver Stream and tell Ollie and Chunky to come to the Bridge.
They will be able to help Midge get settled in. Thank you Bluebird;
tell The Receiving Angel I'll be at the Bridge in a few minutes. And
Oliver, save me some hot water."

"Okay" she chirped and flew off.

Oliver came rushing out of the cabin in his Sunday best and No. 421
just hoped he had left some hot water for him. Rushing into the cabin,
he showered quickly and dressed for the greeting. As he slicked his
hair down, his eye fell on Oliver's after-shave. Oliver was not old
enough to shave yet, but he used the nice smelling lotion anyway.

No. 421 arrived at the bridge just in time to see a cute little girl
with a very short fuzzy coat step up onto the planks. She was a beauty,
with the tiniest head and just a hint of a light brown coat.

Oliver was just coming up the path with two ferrets in tow trying to
explain about their family member they didn't know they had. The three
ferrets stood and look at the little girl walking toward them.

"What a coat," Oliver said to No. 421. "I'll bet its super soft, like
baby fur."

"Well you never mind about her fur, you just be kind, and sweet, and
gentle with her," No. 421 said, "This girl is a real lady and you need
to stop twitching your whiskers and pay attention to your manners."

Ollie and Chunky stood motionless. She was so pretty with the morning
sun shining on her head.

"Well, hello there," she called. "I'm Midge, and where am I? I'm glad
to see you as I was beginning to wonder where everyone went. I went to
sleep and woke up here. By the way, who are you? What is that smell --
I'm, going to sneeze."

Midge sneezed twice than said she just could not be around that flower
or what ever it was. She sneezed again and Chunky took her little paw
and led her down the path a ways. Shooting star called Gentle Breeze to
blow the scent in the other direction while she asked Midge if there
was a message to send home?

"Please tell my Mom thank you for the real nice home she gave me,"
Midge said. "Tell her she was a wonderful Mom and I'm sending love and
kisses to her. Tell her I met Chunky and Ollie, and we will be waiting
with the rest of the kids I'm going to meet for her."

The three ferrets skipped down the path and Oliver and No. 421 just
watched. No. 421 looked at Oliver and just shook his head.

Better get back to the cabin and out of your good clothes," he said.
"What ever you are wearing sure got her attention!"

Oliver blushed to the tips of his ears. "She didn't even see me," he

"How could she," No. 421 said. "She shut her eyes when she sneezed."

The two friends walked slowly back to the cabin. Oliver changed
clothes, reread the directions on the after-shave again, put the
empty bottle in the trash and put the kettle on for tea.

No. 421 wrote in his logbook, Mission accomplished. Midge arrived,
and was met by family that took her under their paw and back to their
compound. She is a lovely little lady, she sent her message home, and
I have no doubt she will fit right in. Just to be sure, I will check
in on her in a few days.

[Posted in FML 6723]