I have just fostered another Canadian Ferret. Her name is Daisy Dook
and she has been hit by someone. I have never raised a sprite from this
young age... I have raised three Gib's from kits but never a little
girl. My question is, How bad are the "terrible two's" of Canadian
sprites compared to Marshall Gib's? I know every ferret is different
when it comes to terrible two's. Rambo (Alpha male) was BAD in his
TT's He totally forgot what a Litter Box was and Destroyed absolutely
everything that could be destroyed. Diesel, The champagne Monster,
Rebelled against me something terrible, got bad about biting my nose.
To my wife he was the most cuddly guy ever, He just didn't like me as a
kit. I am still not his favorite person but he has to rely on me when
my wife is on Deployment. Pepsi, my Albino Fat boy, we didn't have any
problems with him at all, he calmed down a lot, and has never acquired
the interest in grooming him self. Pepsi is slow with everything, from
shedding to life stages such as age when TT's hit and the 2 year old
personality change and so on. I do suspect mild retardation due to
inbreeding at MF. As far as Daisy Dook's rehabilitation goes I have
that under control. I have done this before and I have the scars to
back it up! I am just worried about the Head Strong Canadian, Terrible
Two's, and her severe trust issues, and biting problem all clashing and
making the road to recovery much longer. She is starting to break out
of her shell and learn how to be a little weasel. The trust is building
slowly, she let me hold her long enough last night that she fell asleep
in my arms. Thanks in advance for any feedback on the MF vs CF terrible

Gerald Stewart
Four Paws Ferret Boarding & Rescue (not a shelter)
Renton, Washington

[Posted in FML 6715]