The website is being developed now.

Among the assistance animals involved are 4 ferrets.

Now, if only the large U.S. assistance animal groups, such as Delta
Society, would realize that some people are allergic to dogs and that
dogs are not the best solution for certain needs or certain people. Too
many people with power are just STUCK on dogs-only in the U.S. for the
recognized service animals.

There is a SIMPLE SOLUTION: Just provide the service animal forms the
same way that handicapped driver's parking permits are done. Have the
treating physician decide when it is appropriate and then take the
physician's filled out form to the same people who do the parking
permits for a final form. That means that if a person's ferrets become
able to detect and warn of seizures (as something like 5 ferret
families in the U.S. have had done) then the physician could take
that into account and send the form and a letter on medical practice
letterhead. It's an effective and fair solution that would be easy to
implement (which makes it most fair even for taxpayers who don't use
service animals)

Sukie (not a vet)

Recommended ferret health links:
all ferret topics:

"All hail the procrastinators for they shall rule the world tomorrow."
(2010, Steve Crandall)

[Posted in FML 6743]