Hi Eberyone!

It'z me! Bond, James Bond! The spokesfuzzie for Raisins From Heaben
Fewret Rescoo!

I am writin this 'cuz my mom and dad are getting married today! Yip!
And, she is busy wif all of us fuzzies and getting ready for the big
day -- so she aks me to write dis for her.


Mom and dad are soo gratefuls for all of de wunderful beddings,
bottles, bowlz, foods, and supplies we gots from all of yous fuzzie
people outs there who are worried abouts us fuzzies here after the big
big scawwy storms 'bouts a monf agos. We gots all of dis stuff and we
are soo happy to gets it to use here at de shelter and for some fuzzies
who gos homes soon, they gets to take a bunch wif dem when their moms
and dads comes fetches them, mom says.

Mom says after the big big day, she will sends thank yous to all of
yous out there who sent us stuff. She has dis list, she says.

Let's see... we gots 2 new fuzzies from Chocktaw County in MS - mom
says dis is next to de Yazoo County in MS and dis is where all of the
big big scawwwy tornados were before all of de big rains dat next
weekend. The nice lady at de Red Cross says the 2 little girl fuzzies
were found wandering arounds wif no food and water and no places to gos
a few days after de big windy thingies.....the Red Cross folks says
many homes gots flattened and folks got gone dat day. De fuzzie girls
were very sick, durty, and scawwd .... and dey were taken to a fuzzie
doc who gots them better and then de Red Cross folks called mom and
dad drove down dere to fetch them. Dey are here now and doing great!
Dey hab been here more dan 2 weeks nows I think.

Mom says we hab fuzzits all over the house now. She says we hab over
65 fuzzies now. WOW! That's lots of us fuzzies.....!

Mom says we also been helfing other folks feed and take cares of their
fuzzies since dey lost eberything in the big storms in Tennessee....
so we send bedding and food and stuff to dem to care for their kids at
dere homes....

And, we thank yous so much for helfing us helf other folks wif fuzzie
food and stuff!

---------- What!?!

Oh, gots to gos now.....mom says time for bed. It's way past my
Bond, James Bond
Raisins From Heaven Ferret Rescue & Sanctuary
Hernando, MS

[Posted in FML 6718]