Hi to all and hope this finds you and your fuzzies doing well.

We are doing much better lately, except for lack of sleep, as Lil' One
is holding in there and actually eating more of her soup and showing
more alertness and movement, although she still has hind limb weakness
so not able to walk around just yet but boy can she turn, flip and get
around otherwise! We did learn that she does not have lymphoma, which
is the biopsy procedure we had done of lymph nodes to check for it that
led to the crash a couple days later, and believe she has adrenal in
addition to insulinoma so will start treatment of that soon. Right now
we are working with her to gain weight but otherwise the vet has been
impressed with her recovery thus far. We are feeding her right now as
she is just starting to show interest in eating on her own but not
motivated yet. I was feeding her grinded up kibble (Zupreem, EVO and
Natural Gold) in Gerber's 2nd stage chicken or turkey baby food prior
to this incident which gave additional nutritional value and now I am
making Lil' One's Ferret Soup (researched several duck soup recipes
and used what ingredients they called for that I had on hand since I
couldn't leave her alone to go to the store) which is 2 hard boiled
eggs with shell, can of a/d soft food, large scoop of grinded kibble
mixture (above), 1 jar of either Gerber's chicken or turkey baby food,
ferretone (1/2 to 1 tsp) and water as needed to make it soupy blended
in a blender until smooth. She gobbles it up so hope when we go back to
the vet next week she will have gained or at least be holding steady.

Thanks to those who have sent good thoughts. Wish you all the best.

Kim, Reg and our two girls

[Posted in FML 6741]