Hello, FML --

I have just received another shipment of Kimberley's PING'S PORRIDGE,
and am considering phasing out the cat kibble the ferrets eat. Now that
I have plenty of porridge, I don't have to worry abt nutritional needs
-- I was giving the kibble on the assumption that chicken and veal soup
alone wasn't giving them all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

My remaining concern is their teeth. Getting rid of the kibble should
help a lot, based on what I've read of BOB CHURCH's work. But would
feeding soup alone cause different problems? I am afraid to feed raw
here (Ethiopia) becasue of possible contamination.

What do you all think about this? Is there a way to reduce potential
contamination? Do you have alternative solutions?

Also, I know that Bob screens his email vigorously, and I would like
this question to reach him as well as you. Can anyone forward this to

Bob -- if you get this, I'm sorry I didn't make contact in Pittsburgh
at the conference. I got an attack of shyness, even though you were
right there!

[Posted in FML 6737]