It was a lovely day at de Bridge. SaraFerret was enjoying herself at de
Lily Pond. What fun to be lying in a tube in de cool refreshing water
with de breezes helping her sail along. But all of a sudden she heard
de flutter of wings above her and a little voice and then she went
KERPLUNK when Dexter, de little boy courier, landed on her tube. And
of course, SaraFerret bounced out of de tube into de water. SIGH! She
looked up from the water and just climbed back onto de tube and of
course she was one soaking wet fuzzy. Dexter was sitting there (DRY)
with a note in his paw. He said,

"SawaFewwet, you knows this was all your fault. You has just been lazy
all this time doing nothing. Just hanging around the Lily Pond and
playing. But I have this message that a fewwet is cwossing the Bwidge.
And by the way you has been messing awound he is pwobably lost and
don't know where to go. Do you want me to get his fwiends?"

He handed me the note and I read it. Dexter and I paddled the tube back
to shore and I sorta dried off and put my wings back on. I headed for
de entrance and Dexter went to get (hopefully) the fuzzy's friends. (I
knew I looked a mess; whatever would that new fuzzy think.)

Sure enough, I arrived at de entrance and he was waiting for me. A
sweet little fuzzy with hair on his head and on his butt and carrying
a small backpack. So I quickly introduced myself,

"Hi I am SaraFerret and I am de bridgegreeter. Welcome to de Rainbow
Bridge. Dis is your new forever home. Here you will have no more pain
or suffering. You will run on green grass forever and have lots of
friends to play with. Did I mention de fun and games?"

He just looked at me and said, "My name is MoJoMan and you can just
call me Moj. Mommy Kim told me about meeting a ferret angel, but you
sure look funny and you are all wet. Why are you all wet? Mommy was so
good to me and told me all about the Bridge. I sure loved her. I had a
good life there. She said all of my friends would be here to meet me,
but I don't see anyone here but you. Was Mommy telling me a story about
my friends?"

I replied, "Moj, I am a bit wet because I had a bit of an accident in
the Lily Pond. Its one of the fun places at the Bridge and your friends
will show you it later. I just didn't have a chance to get completely
dry. The Bridge is very beautiful. You will meet your friends later, so
don't worry, you won't be stuck with me as your only friend. I see you
are carrying a backpack. May I ask what you have in it? I won't take
anything away from you. I just like to see what others are bringing
from earth."

Moj said, "I didn't mean to say I didn't want to be your friend. I was
just worried that my other friends weren't here now. I want to be your
friend too. Mommy would be upset if she knew I said that. So don't tell
her I said that. I will show you everything." He carefully unzipped his
pack and took out a green stuffed toy (very small) and a small piece of
green blanket and a cloth bag which he said contained a piece of his
Mommy's heart. Then he carefully put everything back into his pack and
zipped it up.

Then I showed him my wings and told him that he would get his very own
pair just like mine--well not exactly like mine--his would be specially
suited for him by the Boss who was in charge of this beautiful place.

So off we went down de garden path to de Wing House where de wings were
stored. But at de door to his surprise, there were his friends--Ricky,
Helena, Zeus and Artie. Ricky opened de door and we all managed to
squeeze into de place (after all it was not very big). On de counter
was a big box marked MoJoMan. He ran to de counter and opened de box
and took out de wings--Beautiful Bright Green Fluffy Wings. Wowsie,
those were big wings. Helena helped him put on de wings and Zeus
adjusted his halo. Then Moj ran to de big vanity mirror and gazed at
his reflection--Mercy, what a handsome fuzzy he was--his fur was grown
out and he felt great. Then he turned to me and said, "Gee I wish Mommy
Kim could see me now." Den I got an idea."

We went down de path to de Misting Pond, but on de way, Moj started
picking flowers. He whispered a secret to me and asked if it were
possible. I told him I wasn't sure, but to give it a try. So he got
a small bouquet. We sat down beside de cool clear water and with one
swish he saw the vision of Mommy Kim appear. Moj got so excited he
started waving and dooking with all of his might.

"I love you Mommy. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for holding me
on my last night. My friends are here and I have the most beautiful
green fluffy wings at the bridge. Ricky and all of them are gonna show
me around this place. You were right that there would be a ferret angel
to meet me here. You were so good to me."

Then he began to throw hugs and kisses and one bouquet of beautiful
bridge flowers and wrapped them with all of his love and laid them on a
nearby shooting star which was headed to your house and by de time you
should read dis it should have landed dere. (Oh yes, Moj would like to
know if his flowers landed dere; I kinda doubted it, because I thought
they would have fallen apart by that time).

We left there and went down the road to their cottage where a party was
set up. You could see fuzzies running in and out. Music was a-playing.
I was invited to stay and dance and eat a bite. But gee, I was still a
bit damp and I had a courier to discuss things with. I could see Moj
chatting with his friends old and new. So I gave him a hug and said
my good byes. then I headed for home and a place to hang out.

So ended another greeting at de Rainbow Bridge.

Lovey and hugs,
SaraFerret, bridgegreeter

[Posted in FML 6734]