I have not lived in PA for many years, but when I had my ferret
there the attempt to make them illegal was unsuccessful. I know
there currently is a big ferret "get-together" held every year in
Pittsburgh, & I also know from visits to my family in PA that there
are ferret shelters there, so I am sure they are not "illegal". I
cannot imagine that there is any special fee for them either, but
perhaps the person who always notifies everyone of the ferret happening
in Pittsburgh every year can give us all more info. I think the only
problem would be if the landlord of a rental unit objects to this kind
of pet.


P.S. - I live in AZ now, & I extend my condolences to the person moving
from NV to PA. Here is a bit of advice from a 40 year resident of
1) do not bother to unpack your moisturizer creams until fall - you
   will be dripping with sweat most of July & August
2) be sure the windsheild wipers on your car are in good working order
3) buy lots of warm clothes & a snow shovel

[Posted in FML 6733]