I have 2 questions for the list.

1) Is it "normal" for a ferret to be treated like a bird - and prefer
it? By that, I mean that when it is "quiet time", we cover her cage
with a blanket and she settles down. If it is open, she rattles the
bars and gets testy until she is let out. It took a very short while to
train her that way, and now she seems to prefer it. If she goes into
her cage to sleep during the day, she will cover herself up with her
blanket and tune us out. If she is on the blanket - she's always
watching what is going on.

2) One of my friends here has 2 ferrets that he adopted. The boy is
pretty well behaved, but still pretty anxious when he is out of sight.
The girl, however, has a concerning habit - she chews fabric. The
fluffy lined hammoks - she chewed all the nubby bits off in one area,
so he switched to unlined. She then started chewing the seams. She
seems to do this mostly when she wakes up and isn't snuggled to the
boy. And if you distract her, she will often grab a few nibbles and go
back to sleep. Marc is (understandably) worried that she will ingest
parts of the fabric. We're not sure if it is a nervous habit or a sign
of some "need". Does anyone have any suggestions for either adapting
her world or training her out of the habit? Aiden (the boy) is getting
better now that he understands that they are in forever homes, but
Tiva (lil girl) has this ONE bad habit.


FireRose - mommy to Itachi

[Posted in FML 6711]