>From:    Nell Angelo <[log in to unmask]>
>I need some advice about administering Baytril. ...do you have tips
>for getting the little fragment down the throat????

I give Baytril in my ferret's soup, they don't notice it at all. It is
very soft & I crush it between two spoons. For those ferrets that do
not eat soup, just put it in a spoon with ferretone - they will lap it
up (it may take 2-3 spoon fillings to get all the pieces, be sure to
crush it all first).

For dosage, I give 1/4 tablet twice a day. You can also put it in a
syringe beforehand & dissolve it in water. I would ask your vet what
dosage s/he recommends & for how long. Usually 10-14 days to clear up
an infection, but I have two that are on in permanently.

[Posted in FML 6710]