We have had great success with the feline Forti-Flora in helping with
a number of stomach problems. It comes in a box with 30 packets. Once
packet is enough for at least 10 individual ferret meals. Mix it in
AFTER you heat up the soup. I would recommend 1/10 of one packet once
daily until the problem gets better, then try 1/10 of one packet every
other day.

It may alter the taste of the soup a little bit, so be prepared to add
in a little ferretone or something else. Some of our ferrets notice
when I mix it into their daily soup, some don't.

Jeff In Memory of Trinny, Neo, Pip, Mr. Parker, and Possum the Million
Dollar Ferret
Caring for Morphy, Baby Girl, Luna, Dozer, Sabrina, Minnie Mouse, and

[Posted in FML 6710]