Dear Sue and Readers:

I know how absolutely heart broken you must be over Boggle's
preparations for his trip to the Bridge, Sue. This will be a time
that touches you deeply and stays with you forever.

Thanks to Dr. Williams' article about lymphoma, I had the sweetest
last dance with my Little Feet as we prepared for him to leave for
the Bridge. Our dance was a few months long.

In the article on lymphoma, Dr. Williams talks about the sadness and
helplessness we feel about not being able to cure lymphoma. So, the
best we can do is accept the end is near and make our last dance with
our friend, the sweetest dance possible.

As sad an event as this is, I think it touches our souls and the
animal's. When Feetsie left us, it was time to help him cross to the
Bridge. It was a terrible heart break as Smokey had gone the day before
totally unexpected from an insulinoma surgery. Our vet and his techs
were as shocked as we were. In the end, I realized Smoke and Feets were
going to the Bridge together. Feetsie's end was pretty certain, but
not Smoke's. He was the kind of ferret who would do that for a friend.
They were the last of era and two buds for sure. I used to call them
my ambassador bears. Feetsie's passing; I was able to better accept
as we took each day as it came knowing one more was surly a gift.

I mourned Smokey for some time as each sleepy place of the other nine
were also one's for Smokey, but he was not there at round up time. That
experience taught me a huge lesson. More frequently, I find myself
loving them all up saying, "We got a sweet dance going here babies."
Doc's words forever changed how we live with our ferrets and other
pets. They have better lives now than before coming to us. So too are
our lives better because they came to us.

Once your heart finds its point of balance Sue, I suspect we will see
the beauty of your relationship with Boggle in the gift of a poem.

The angels will see him across the Bridge, not to worry for that Sue!

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[Posted in FML 6709]