Hi all,

We are considering adopting a very young ferret that has been deemed
unsellable and is quarantined in the back room of a PetCo Store. The
issue is: the top of his lower incisors are growing outside of his
mouth. At present, they're making slight indentations on his upper
lip. A vet says they're not bothering him now and he's eating great.
But that could change as he gets older.

I've read a little bit on the internet about this condition, but am
wondering what kind of expenses we may be in for down the road. We
don't have much money, but the thought of leaving that sweet little guy
back there in that small cage in a hot room makes me want to rescue him
and give him the home and love he deserves.

Any advice/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Please e-mail me
at [log in to unmask]

Toni & Robert

[Posted in FML 6709]