>30 mls of pureed chicken (Chicken pureed with chicken broth). We mix
>the 30 mls of chicken with 30 mls of water

It is my personal opinion that attempting to feed 60mL in one sitting
is way too much. The vomiting doesn't surprise me at all; just think of
how you feel when you overeat. The issue with syringe eating is that WE
control how much goes in, not the ferret. We have to make sure we are
not overfeeding. I never feed more than 40mL per sitting, 3-4 times per
day. That is a good amount to maintain, and likely gain, weight. And
the ferret will normally let you know when it is full, by pushing your
hand away. Watch for this and respect it.

If you are mixing pureed chicken and chicken broth, is the water even
necessary to get it through a syringe? (Mike has previously indicated
that he is feeding from a syringe). I would think it would go through
with little, or no, water. Mixing with a hand mixer would assure that.
The less water, the more nutrition going in, and lesser quantity.

After all this time, with little improvement, it is my opinion that he
needs to be hospitalized to determine what is really going on.



[Posted in FML 6709]