Please take a look at the Pingford's Porridge auctions on ebay to
benefit Rocky's Ferret Shelter and Oregon Ferret Shelter! We're
auctioning off delicious and nutritious Pingford's Porridge soup mix as
well as t-shirts featuring Deva's ferret art work. (pssst! You can't
buy the t-shirts anywhere!)

Oregon Ferret Shelter ebay auction ID:  130392945376
Rocky's Ferret Shelter ebay auction ID: 130392945822

Or search for the shelter name or Pingford's Porridge on ebay and it
will come up.

Please spread the word about these auctions and help make them
successful for two fantastic ferret shelters!

Thank you!

Kimberly Emerson
Pingford's Porridge
Luckweasel, LLC

[Posted in FML 6703]