It was a lovely evening at de Bridge. SaraFerret was busy making little
toys for de kits at de Kit and Kaboodle. She had a big pile already and
had just finished the last one. All of a sudden, she heard a knock at
de door. Isabel ran to open it and there stood Dexter, de little boy
courier, with a note in his paw. Everyone looked at him with their
mouths wide open: Dexter, actually knocking on the door and waiting for
it to be opened-it must be a miracle! He said,

"SawaFewwet, why are you looking at me like that with your mouth all
open. You look kinda goofy like that. Anyway, a fewwet is cwossing the
Bwidge and you best gets busy and run over there. You know how upset
the Boss gets when you are late. Is there anyone you wants me to get?"

I closed my mouth and took the note he handed me and quickly read it.
Then I sent him to get the chosen ones (oh I sure hope he got the right
group) and I ran to de entrance. I was just in time to see the Angel of
Mercy carry a little girl fuzzy over de bridge. Wowsie, she sure had a
heavy backpack. The Angel put her right down beside de entrance. So I
introduced myself,

"Hi I am SaraFerret and I am de bridgegreeter. Welcome to de Rainbow
Bridge. Dis is your new forever home. Here you will have no more pain
or suffering. You will run on green grass forever and have lotsa
friends. Did I mention de fun and games?"

She said, "My name is Pixie and I belong to Mommy Sherrie. I don't
spose you know her? Do you think you could fix my leg and my my tail
and my toes? And where is all my friends that are to meet me?"

I replied, "Pixie, just check yourself for a minute."

She looked around at where her tail was sposed to be and sure enough a
tail was there and then she found that she had four legs instead of the
three she had had, and yes, she now had all of her toes, and she sure
enough felt better. She said, "Now how did that all happen?"

"Pixie," I said. "Once you cross the Bridge, all sorts of wondrous
things happen. As to your friends, you will see them later. May I ask
you a question? Whatever are you carrying in your heavy backpack? It
looks like it must weigh a ton."

Pixie said, "Well it doesn't weigh so much. Its a swiffer mop and it
was really hard to get in there. Then the reason I had to wait to cross
the bridge was that I couldn't walk because it was so bulky and hard to
carry that I had to wait for the Angel to help me across. I guess I was
lucky that she happened by or I would have been waiting a lo-o-o-ng

I laughed at what she had said. But then I told her that we really had
to get that mop outta there or we really would be able to get down the
path to get her wings. She looked and me rather odd and then I pointed
to my own wings and fluttered them and assured her that they were for
flying about the heavens. So I managed to unzip her backpack and get
this swiffer mop outta her pack. How she ever got that in there was a
mystery to me!!!!!!!!!!

So together carrying the swiffer mop we went down the garden path to
de Wing House where de wings were stored. But at de door was Max, her
cagemate, who had passed before her. They were so happy to see each
other. I handed him the swiffer mop and we opened de door and on de
counter was a big box (of course). Pixie opened de box and took out de
wings--bright yellow with frilly black tips. I helped her put on her
wings and Max laid down de mop and adjusted her halo. Then she ran to
de big vanity mirror and gazed at her reflection and then she turned to
me and said, "Gee I wish Mommy could see how pretty I am now." Then I
gots an idea.

We opened de door and went down de path to de Misting Pond and were met
by de rest of the family, Shay, Sascha, Monty, Razzle, Jezebel, Kiki,
Sylvi, Loki, Natasha, and Dweezil. We sat down beside de cool clear
water and with one swish we saw the vision of Mommy Sherrie appear.
Pixie got so excited she started waving and dooking with all of her

"I love you Mommy. Thank you for loving me. I have my friends with me
now. I fell lots better now and I have my leg, and toes, and tail back.
I have yellow wings with black tips and soon I will be able to fly
about the heavens like a bird. Oh yes, I took the swiffer mop, that is
why it took me a little longer to get here, it was kinda bulky, so an
angel helped me over."

Then she began to throw hugs and kisses and wrapped them with all of
her love and laid them on a nearby shooting star which was headed to
your house and by de time you should read dis it should have landed
there. And with another swish de vision was gone.

So we left there and went down another road. Max and Pixie were
carrying the famous swiffer mop which was so precious because it was
from earth. I could see their cottage from where I was. Fuzzies were
running in and out and all were carrying food. I could hear music
a-playing. Pixie was so happy to be with her friends. I was invited to
stay, but I knew i had things to do so I gave Pixie a hug and said my
goodbyes to all.

So ended another greeting at de Rainbow Bridge.

Lovey and hugs,

SaraFerret, bridgegreeter

[Posted in FML 6701]