I am honored to announce that I will be interviewed this Friday, May
7th by Glo Rod for her weekly internet blog radio show. During the
show Glo will be interviewing me about my history with ferrets and
about FACT, the Ferret Association of Connecticut

Glo operates two websites:
and is the author of two books on pets.

Date and time: Friday, May. 7th at 7 pm (Central Time) for one hour.

The website to hear the live show is --


If you can't make it, the show is recorded and will be immediately
posted on the Glo's website for others to listen at their convenience.

I'm looking forward to the show, and hope you can pop in to listen, or
catch the recording at some point.

BTW, Flo actively seeks participants for her radio blog which focuses
on multiple pet households, shelters, rescues and humane educational
organizations. I think a quick run down of some of her past programs
will give you an idea of the diversity of groups and people she's

Ann Gruden, President
Ferret Association of Connecticut

[Posted in FML 6687]