1. The world won't end if a ferret misses the litter box, scratches
   food out of the bowl, dumps the water bowl, shreds potty pads,
   tunnels under potty papers
2. Doing the above let's humans know they are needed
3. Stash all dog toys/bones where she can't get to them
4. When humans yell about something, ignore them, they'll get over it

Seriously though -
1. Live each day to it's fullest when you are awake
2. When presented with obstacles, deal with them
3. Comfort others when in need
4. Don't dwell on disabilities or sickness, adapt
5. Accepts others for who they are even if they are different than you
6. When problems arise, work on a solution
7. Where there's will, keep trying - you fail only when you stop trying

My rainbows have their own set of teachings (I don't follow these.
Sadly these are true for many people.) sigh -
1. Know your enemy and attack him/her every chance you get
2. If the one you pick on isn't around, anyone will do
3. Put the fear in others
4. There's a boss, if you aren't with him/her then you are either
   bullied or ignored(unfortunately this is so true in human nature...)
5. If something doesn't go your way, take it out on others

I guess I could say I've got teachings from both sides....


[Posted in FML 6699]