...for pixie.  :(

brave little pixie-doodle, who tragically lost her hind leg, two toes
on her front foot and part of her tail last october; she who so many
here generously gave support to help with her surgery. my other half
found her cold and mostly unresponsive in the bottom of the cage
tonight while i was at work. she'd soiled herself, her breathing was
wet and labored. he drove her to my work, and we then drove the short
distance to the emergency vet (sadly, the same one we took her old
cagemate, max, last year in april to cross), where we helped her cross.
upon arriving home, i looked where she'd soiled the cage, it was black.

i'll be taking her body to her regular vet tomorrow, the same vet who
so valiantly saved her life last october. the necropsy should hopefully
tell the story of the foe that was finally able to bring her down.
she'd had adrenal disease for a couple years and had responded
wonderfully to melatonin implants up until january, when they stopped
working. i was considering looking in deslorelin, but i guess that's
moot. :(

so, please bridgegreeters, make sure pixie makes it over the bridge
with the swiffer-mop she would still try and drag away on her 3
legs...my fierce tough little pixie-doodle, my doodle-bug. indomitable.
make sure she finds max, her old cagemate. and all the others who have
gone before her. like shay, who left us so suddenly late february,
he'll know her. and sascha and monty-boo. i told her she'll get to see
them all again, will have her leg, toes, and tail back, and best of
all, beautiful new wings.

broken-hearted once more,

~sherrie, aka daoine o', the ferret queen
and now, just the dooktastic duo, burleigh and pandora.

waiting over the bridge,
~shay-shay mcweasel, max, sascha-beanhead, monty-boo, razzle, jezebel,
loki, sylvi, natasha the stranger, and dweezil...my first, my one small

[Posted in FML 6698]