Several days ago I made a post about a woman who had just lost her last
ferret of three, & wanted to donate his cage & ferret things to us.
However, we are over 6 hours away from this poor woman.

There is a 3 tier cage with 2 doors, shampoo, conditioner, 8 jars of
chicken baby food etc.

The president of a shelter near Salem, Il emailed us, & was going to
contact melody to arrange a time to pick the things up. However, he
never called her...

At this point, if there`s a private party wanting the things, please
contact us at [log in to unmask]  and we`ll put you in
touch with Melody. She has suffered a deep loss, and looking at the
empty cage is a painful reminder of her sweet little one. She wants
her ferret`s things to be put to good use, & to help another ferret,
somewhere out there.

Thanks. Love, Zoo

[Posted in FML 6697]