It was a lovely day at de Bridge. SaraFerret was just sitting outside
enjoying the quiet. The kits were away visiting friends, so she had the
day all to herself. Then she heard the flutter of wings and looked up
to see Mimi, de little girl courier flying towards her. (What a relief,
she thought to herself). When Mimi finally reached her, she said,

"SaraFerret, I know you have been busy, But a ferret is crossing the
bridge and her Grandma has requested that you greet her. Do you want
me to get her family?"

She handed me the note and I read it and asked her to get them. Then I
raced to de entrance. I had been late a couple of times and I didn't
want to do it again. Then I saw the Angel of Mercy carrying a little
girl fuzzy across. He carefully laid her by the entrance. I could see
that she was carrying a heavy backpack. So I quickly took hold of her
paw and introduced myself,

"Hi, I am SaraFerret and I am de bridgegreeter. Welcome to de Rainbow
Bridge. Dis is your new forever home. Here you will have no more pain
or suffering. You will run on green grass forever and have lotsa
friends. Did I mention de fun and games?"

She looked in the direction of my voice and said, "I can't see you, but
I can sorta hear you. Mommy said that this would all be fixed once I
got here." And then a tear began to run out of her eye.

"Oh," I said, "That is gonna be fixed right now. Wait a minute."
POOF!!!!!!!! "Now don't you feel better?"

She looked at me and said, "Yes I can see now. How did you do that? I
can really hear now. So Mommy was right. You are a ferret, aren't you?
All I can remember is someone picking me up and carrying me and then I
was here. My name is Sugarfoot and I belong to Mommy Jess and Grandma
Cindy. They said that everything would be beautiful here and I would
find family here. Well I can see and here, but all I see is you. I
promise I won't beat you up. I can be very nice. Mommy said that all
ferrets are very nice here that no one beats anyone up here. I don't
want to get kicked out of here."

I replied, "Sugarfoot, I think you are a very sweet ferret. All of us
can have a bit of a temper on earth and sometimes we get an attitude,
but here its a no-no. But don't worry, no one that I know of has been
kicked out yet. You will see your family in a little while, so just be
patient, you won't be stuck with me as your only ferret. By the way,
what ever are you carrying in your pack; it looks so heavy?"

Then she had a suspicious-look. "Why do you want do know? Don't you
have things of your own?" I replied, "Of course, I have things of my
own, but I am nosey like any other fuzzy and it has been so long since
I have been on earth that I wonder what others are bringing with them.
I won't take anything." Then she carefully unzipped her pack and showed
me the edge of a red blanket that she had stuffed in her pack (Fuzzies
unlike humans can take anything they can stuff into their secret
backpacks and take across the bridge). Then she zipped it back up. I
marvelled at her ability to stuff it in there. She admitted it had been

Then we heard a real ruckus and to our amazement, there was Franklin
racing down de path to us so fast that....OH NO! We moved just in time
for him to miss us. Then he stopped and turned around and came back.
"Sugarfoot!" he exclaimed. "I have missed you so much. Sorry I almost
ran over you and scared you. Has SaraFerret told you about your wings?"

(I thought to myself, "I was just gonna do that, but you go ahead and
do it.") "Wings?" Sugarfoot asked. "What and why would I need wings?
Franklin then showed her his beautiful wings and then flew above her
with some of his stunts. He returned and said, "These are wings. Now
do you understand. You are gonna get wings, just special for you. Why
don't we all go and get them?"

(I thought to myself, "Sounds like a plan to me.") So off we went
down the path to de Wing House where de wings were stored (and where
Franklin was sposed to originally meet us but.. ). We opened de door
and on de counter was a big box (of course). Sugarfoot opened de box
and took out de wings--ruby red with golden sparkles. I helped her put
on her wings and Franklin adjusted her halo. Then she ran to de big
vanity mirror and gazed at her reflection. She turned to me and said,
"Gee I wish Mommy and G-Ma could see me now." Then I gots an idea.

So we opened de door and went down de garden path to de Misting Pond.
We sat down beside de cool clear water and with one swish a vision of
Mommy Jess and G-Ma Cindy appeared. Sugarfoot started waving and
dooking with all of her might.

"I love you. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for kissing me. I stole
one of your blankies.

I hope it is okay. I has beautiful red wings now and they sparkle.
Franklin is here with me and he told me that others are here and I said
that I would not beat up anyone anymore. I promise I will be a very
good ferret. Oh yeah, I can see and hear now and I feel so much better

Then she began to throw hugs and kisses and wrapped them with all of
her love and laid them on a nearby shooting star which was headed to
your house and by the time you should read this it should have landed
there. And with another swish the vision was gone.

We left there and went down another path to their cottage and to her
surprise, there was a large sign saying "WELCOME SUGARFOOT" And then
the cottage appeared and there was fuzzies running in and out carrying
things, music was a-playing. We went in and Sugarfoot saw Bandito, Noel
and Bubbles. Red Bows were decorating things. All in honor of the new
arrival. She felt so honored. And the food. Chocolate of all kinds,
sweet iced tea, cold pepsis, squirt cheese, and crackers, all those
things forbidden on earth. She was so excited. One fuzzy asked her to
dance. I was invited to stay and enjoy the party, but I decided to
just go home and hang out there. I went over to Sugarfoot and said my
goodbyes, and headed for the quiet of home.

So ended another greeting at the Rainbow Bridge.

Lovey and hugs,

SaraFerret, bridgegreeter

[Posted in FML 6693]