It was a lovely night at de Bridge. SaraFerret was sleeping in her
hammie and de kits were pretending to sleep, but for some reason were
chattering quietly to theirselves (such naughty ones). The door to de
cottage was open to let de breezes in. All of a sudden, de kits heard
de flutter of wings at de door and they KNEW. And in flew Dexter, de
little boy courier, with a note in his paw. Quite frankly de kits were
shocked. He didn't even say a word, but flew over to dere Mommy and
nudged her to wake her up and with that nudge she literally flew out
of de hammy onto de floor. Luckily Mommy landed on a pile of blankets
that she had folded. She was wide awake now. The kits just stared at
her waiting. But she didn't say anything. Dexter said,

"SawaFewwet, I has a note from the Boss. A fewwet is cwossing the
Bwidge and you best get yourself over there. You know how upset He
gets when you are late. Is there anyone you want me to get."

He handed her de note and she read it and then she told Dexter to just
go back to de courier's station. She sent de kits to pick up de right
ferrets and she headed for de entrance.

On the way I thought to myself, "It would do no good to say anything to
Dexter. I have tried time and again and nothing will ever change him.
So I just give up. But it was quite a shock waking up like that." By
then I had arrived at de entrance and I was just in time to greet a
little boy fuzzy carrying a very heavy heavy backpack. He looked so
very tired, so I quickly introduced myself,

"Hi I am SaraFerret and I am de Bridgegreeter. Welcome to de Rainbow
Bridge. DIs is your new forever home. Here you will have lotsa friends
and run on green grass forever. Did I mention de fun and games Oh yeah,
not to be rude but whatcha got in your backpack."

He looked at me with a curious, suspicious eye and said, "My name is
Kodo and I belong to Mommy Lisa. Why do you want to see whats in my
backpack. I have carried it all the way from earth. Don't you have toys
to play with. This is the only toy I have to remind me of home and if I
give it away, I will have nothing."

I told him, "Kodo, not to worry, I don't want to keep your toy. I am
just nosey. It has been so long since I was on earth that I like to
see what fuzzies bring with them when they arrive. But its up to you
if you want to show me." So with that, he carefully unzipped the pack
and carefully took out a beautiful green stuffed frog-.Mommy couldn't
find it cause I had it stuffed in my pack--"Wowsie, that was some nice
frog!" After I had admired it, he put it away with love and care and
zipped it back up. Then he said that he was gonna show it to his
sister, Rogue, if he could find her. "Do you know where she is? he

"I think I do", I replied. But you will have to wait a little bit for
other things before we find her. I asked him how he felt since I knew
he had been terrible sick before he arrived. After he thought about it
a bit, he said, "Well now that you mention it, I haven't had an ounce
of pain since I arrived here. This place must be some kinda miracle
place. Do you have any idea where I am gonna live? And I have another
question and I really don't mean to be rude, because Mommy would be
so upset and I try to be polite. "What are those goofy things on your

"Lets see," I replied. " I will do the best to answer your questions.
Soon you will see de rest of your families. So you won't have to hang
around with me. I know she is waiting for you. I am sure your family
has their place all fixed up for you right now. As for these things on
my shoulders, these are Wings. They can be detached for things like
swimming or if you are doing things like the MudSlide where they might
get dirty. But they are great for flying about de Heavens, sure beats
hopping from cloud to cloud. You will get your own special pair, just
for you in your own color."

So off we went to de Wing House where de Wings were stored. But at de
door we met Rogue, his baby sister. Oh boy, was he happy. Now he knew
he wouldn't be stuck with some goofy bridgegreeter as a friend. We
opened de door and on de counter was a big box marked "Kodo"  He opened
de box and took out de wings--green sparkly wings. His paws shook as
he tried to put them on so Rogue helped him and I adjusted his halo.
Then he ran to de big vanity mirror and gazed at his reflection. Then
he turned to me and said, "Gee I wish Mommy could see me now". Den I
gots an idea.

So we went out de door and went down de path to de Misting Pond. We sat
down beside de cool clear water and with one swish we saw a vision of
Mommy Lisa appear. Koko got so excited he started waving and dooking
with all of his might.

"I love you Mommy and I am so happy I tried to do so much for sissy.
I wish I could have stayed longer. I took the frog with me. I fretted
that there would not be one here. I hope you will not be upset. I feel
much better now. I have green sparkly wings and soon I will be able to
fly. I found my sister Rogue and we will have lotsa fun and she says
that we have more family here."

Then he began to throw hugs and kisses and wrapped dem with all of his
love and laid dem on a nearby shooting star which was headed to your
house and by de time you should read dis it should have landed dere.
And with another swish de vision was gone.

We left there and went down the road to the Wind and Willows Cottage
and mercy was there a large group. You could see a big party being
planned. Fuzzies ran up to them and took both by the paw and led them
down to the place and music started playing. I ran with them. I love
food and parties, especially welcome parties. I was invited to stay.
Since I was already awake. I decided to stay and dance and eat for
awhile. Wowsie it was fun. Even the kits decided to dance. I had to
caution them to not eat so much chocolate. After a while it was time
to go, two kits had fallen asleep. So I said my goodbyes and with two
kits over my shoulders I headed for home.

So ended another greeting at de Rainbow Bridge.

Lovey and hugs,


[Posted in FML 6691]