Sometimes you get a ferret (rescue or surrender) with an unusual or
weird name. You can watch them for awhile and try to find their names
through their actions. But they each have so many personalities, which
one do you name it after? For example, Clark is the name that Clark
came with. He is a real rascal (and the vet's favorite) he explore
everything, everywhere. There is no limit to his investigating skills.
He loves to run, to dook, climb, jump (the whole ferret thing), He is
also very curious and has his nose in ever one's business, ferret or

He will climb up into he rafters in the garage ad take a flying jump to
a lower stack of boxes a few feet away. It really gives the appearance
of flying. Now the names.

1. Curious George (when I find him in some one's purse or computer bag)
2. Fly Boy (when dive-bombing in the garage)
3. Booger Boy (when obnoxious)
4. Lover Boy (when he drapes his long body across your lap, belly up,
   for all the loving you can give him)
5. Fang (when he decides he isn't getting more attention than the other
   ferrets he will nip your foot)
6. Slobber Boy (he has a very long tongue and when he laps up his
   soupie, half goes over the side of the dish onto the floor)
7. Baby Boy or Lover Boy (when I am in a mushy mood and want to love
   on him)
8. Hic (he often gets the hic-ups)
9. Super Fert (cause his name is Clark, like Clark Kent and he flies,
   just need a cape)
10. Bad Boy (cause he deserves it for all the messes he makes, things
    he steals, and getting into messes he needs help getting out of)

There are a hundred other names he gets called. Do how can you frcide
on just one name. Do ferrets have multiple personalities? Of course,
you have many more ferrets and the same naming problems.


[Posted in FML 6691]